Friday, April 11, 2008

So much to Blog, so little time...

So I am officially collecting unemployment. I have received two checks from the government. Ever since I lost my job on Feb 29th the news says we are at the beginning of a recession. I am there and I totally agree. No one is hiring and if they are I am up against 50 people for every job. The job that I am trying to get someone with a Masters Degree is getting just so they continue to be in the work force. I have had to make a decision that I am going to have to start at a far less salary than what I left at just to get back into the working world.

On to bigger and better. I have gone from full-time career woman to full-time mom. I don't mind this but it is a huge transition! I am going a little crazy.... I love my kids but I love working to... it gives me that sense of accomplishment that I so desire. I have gone from dealing with personnel issues every day to dealing with diaper issues. Which one sounds more appealing to you?? Plus one pays one doesn't.
I have however gotten really caught up on projects that I have started. We redid the play ground that is in the backyard, that is huge... also I have finished a lot of knitting projects and started some new ones.
I have been walking more, gardening more, and getting really caught up with my friends and family.

I will be posting some pictures of the playground and some of my knitting items to share...

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