Thursday, December 20, 2007

Scarf and Hat

Knitting Updates

Ok I have been really busy with all of my knitting projects. So here they are.

Felted Purse Dark Colors

Friday, November 16, 2007


Tyler gets rated in school everyday for his behavior. E being the best and U being not so good. So yesterday he got an S, it is satisfactory but it also means that the teached had to talk to him a lot about his behavior.
At bedtime we prayed that Tyler would have a good day today and then it was his turn to pray and this is how it went:
Now I lay me down to sleep,
I pray the lord that I get an E,
if I die before I wake
I pray the Lord my soul to take.


My Amazing Son

Last night, after Tyler ate a good dinner he had the option of a tootsie roll or a pack of sweettarts. He picked one of them and then he said "Mommy can we give the other one to the people that need it?" When I asked him who he was talking about he said "You know the people that don't have much to eat." He has been learning in school about Thanksgiving and why we should be thankful for what we have. The school is also collecting cans for needy families. He wanted to give his candy to the needy families. What an amazing son! When he was telling me about being thankful he quoted a scripture to me about in all things give thanks.
It is amazing to me that my 5 year old is wise in his age.
I am so proud of him for wanting to give away things and understand why we need to.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

The treasure of Friendship

While I was knitting at Starbuck's last night, an old friend of mine decided to join me. We have been friends since the 6th grade. We try to talk as much as we can but life gets in the way and we get together about once a year. The greatest thing about this friendship is that we start right where we left off. Our friendship never misses a beat no matter how much time has gone by. I treasure this, so many times in life you look for these types of relationships and can't find them. I can't call her my best friend but I call her a true friend. A friend that I will always have. I will always know all about her family and her infatuation with her massage therapist.
Her friendship was blog worthy. So here's to you Emily!

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Offbeat news

Talk about Bridezilla Headline "Bride Sues florist for wrong flower color"

The benefits to blizzards.
Denver reports blizzard of babies

Lesson Learned

Saturday morning, the family and I went garage sale hopping. I love getting nice kids cloths for cheap. I got some cute little silk nightgowns for Peyton. She loved them. I even took some really cute pictures of her in her nightgowns because she was so proud of them (will post those later). So anyway, she went to bed that night and in the morning she woke up before us and was playing in her crib, waiting for us to come in and get her.
The way that we found her was well gross, she must have gotten a little bored and decided to take off her diaper (since she had access to it because of the nightgown). I won't go into detail about how we found her but I am sure if you imagine the worst you will get it.
So the lesson is, do not put a toddler in bed with access to their diaper because they will take it off! So now she goes to bed with shorts over her diaper.
I shared this story with my mom's group on Monday night and I am glad to know that I am not the only person that this has happened to. We shared some gross stories over coffee.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

America's Top 10 Driving Pet Peeves

1. Distracted drivers on cell phones
2. Slow Drivers in the Fast Lane
3. Pushy Drivers who tailgate
4.Drivers who weave thru traffic to gain one or two car lenghts
5.Obnoxious drivers who speed up to keep you from changing lanes
6.Hasty drivers who change lanes without signaling
7. Road Rage
8. Motorcyclists who race down the middle of a lane, between cars
9. Women applying makeup and men shaving
10. Drivers who leave their turn signal on for miles

Ok I admit to doing a couple of those things while driving. But out of that list I think the tailgaters tests my patience more than anything else. All of them do test my patience though.
It does not seem as bad when we do these things but when it is someone else doing it to us, we can not seem to handle it and explode.
I had this guy the other day almost run me off of the road because I was not driving fast enough, and I do admit I was pacing with the car beside me when I saw him tailgating me and yelling at me. Seriously where did he have to be that could not wait the 30 seconds?
I do admit that I am not the best driver of the year but there are some drivers who are sooo much worse!

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Random cute pictures of the kids

God moment

I had a God moment the other day. I read an forward on Friday morning it was good but I really did not pay close attention to it and then deleted it.
Later in the day I got a call from my sister. She was upset because they are financially struggling at the moment. She asked me "Do you think any less of me because we have to get help right now?"
Then I remembered the forward, it was a professor teaching a class. He held up a $5 bill and asked who in the class wanted it. Hands went up. He crumbled up the $5 bill and again asked who wanted it, hands still went up. Then he put the money on the ground, stomped on it and jumped on it. And people still wanted it. The lesson was even though the money was battered, dirty and stomped on it did not change the value of it.
So no matter what you are going through the people who really love you don't care about the circumstances. It does not change who you are or your value.
That lesson is just what she needed to hear at that moment. Totally God working through me. It is so cool that things like that can happen.

Knitting Projects

The first picture is a knitted hat that I did for Tyler. He was so excited that I finished it for him.
The scarf was my very first project that I did.
The pint hat is the same design as the green one but the pink one I did first so there are a lot of mistakes in that one.
But I am officially a knitter! Now I just need some cold weather so I can wear them.

Friday, October 5, 2007

One of those Weeks

Ever just have one of those weeks where everyone and everything bugs you! This has been me the past 2 weeks.
Before I changed jobs I wanted a challenge, I was ready for something new, a change in scenery. So here I am Human Resource Coordinator at a "German Manufacturing Company" getting the challenge of my life. So now what, I really do love the challenge. I needed this to get me motivated and creative. I can not get past the few people that are driving me crazy though.
How do you handle it? Scream, Cry, Smoke, Drink? What how do you get past the crazy people and deal with them and the stupid things that they do?

ME I have been knitting! This is my escape from work. I have to concentrate so hard on the pattern and the counting that I lose focus of everything else for a few hours. And by the time I am done I am calm. I really do understand why people go home and have bad habits like the smoking and drinking. But on a really bad day all I want to do is stick the knitting needles well ...we will keep this G rated.


Monday, October 1, 2007

Fall is in the Air

You always know when Spring is in the Air. The birds are chirping, the flowers are growing, and the there are lots of ducklings around. The air is getting warmer and the sun even seems brighter. But in Florida, there are only certain days when you go outside and don't break a sweat. This weekend was one of those weekends, you can almost smell the crispness in the air. The wind is a little cooler and you can even drive your car with the windows down.
One of those really great weekends when you can open up the house and let the fresh air fill every inch of the house. I love this season of Florida, even though nothing changes color it is nice to get a break from the hot hot sun.
So get ready for pumpkins and little kids dressing up.

Monday, September 24, 2007

Here Goes First Blog ever

Ok so here we go, the first blog ever and I am not sure where to start. How about with some really cute pics of the kids.

So these my 2 kids. The one on the right at the top on the right is my son Tyler 5 years old and a ham. My nephew next to him is Daniel. He is 6 years old and in 1st grade this year.

Below is my daughter Peyton she is 1 year old and that picture was taken on her first birthday.

Kids are awesome but let me tell you they are really hard work to!

So to introduce myself, I am a wife, a mother of two, a daughter, a sister, an aunt, a daughter-in-law, a grandaughter, a friend, a knitter, a fellow scrapbooker, a Christian, a full-timer worker, and a coffee drinker. Ok so I think that sums up one day of my life. Talk about try to balance all of those things everyday. I try my best but a lot of times some of those go days before I invest anytime into them.